my Services

let me maximise your chances of success

My services are tailored specifically to your needs, which means, you only have to pay for the services you need.  If you are unsure, message me and we can decide on the best option for you.

Know My Options

If you are thinking about New Zealand and want to have a general indication of visa options, this is a good start.  It is FREE and you will receive a basic idea of visa options, but it won’t be completely tailored to you as there are limitations to the information that I collect from you.  From here, you can then do your own research, determine your own eligibility, whether you want to lodge your own application, or if you have questions on those options and want to know how to increase your chances of success, you can then choose to book a consultation with me and I will provide you with a detailed assessment.

This option is focused on possible residence pathways.  If you want to know more about temporary visas to visit, work or study, or if you have other immigration issues, it would be more appropriate to leave me a message in Contact Me.

By submitting your information to me, you agree to these Terms and Conditions

Explore My Options

This is for those who want to know, based on their unique situations, whether they have any visa options that meet their immigration goal.  You will complete a full assessment questionnaire and then I will schedule a consultation with you for about an hour.  A written eligibility assessment will be emailed to you after the meeting.  

This option will allow you to understand in greater depth what options you have, whether you qualify, what are the potential risks to eligibility and what choices, if any, you have to minimise those risks.  It will give you a much better idea of your chances of success, and whether you should still proceed to invest your time and money in New Zealand.

By submitting your information to me, you agree to these Terms and Conditions.

Advocate for Me

After the consultation, if you would like me to provide you with a personalised document checklist, act on your behalf, complete your application (or advocate for you on other immigration matters) and follow up with Immigration New Zealand, then this option will ensure that the whole process is managed for you from start to finish.  Your responsibility is to provide me with relevant information and required documents in a timely manner.

Before we continue, I will provide you with a Written Agreement that covers my scope of service, fees and other terms and conditions.  We must agree to this Written Agreement before my service to you commences.

If you haven’t already completed a consultation, please go to Contact Me and tick Book a Consultation, and I will be in contact with you shortly.

Check my Application

For those of you who have done all your research and you are very familiar with Immigration New Zealand’s instructions, but would like to have a professional person check your application for you before lodgement, this is the right service for you.  Complete a questionnaire, submit your completed application form and all your supporting documents to me, and I will provide you with a written report that indicate areas which are: 

In the end, you will be responsible for your choice of visa, your own application submission and follow-up.  However, we will still need to sign a Written Agreement before my service to you commences.

Please go to Contact Me and tick Check my Documents, and I will be in contact with you shortly.

The Process

Step 1: Initial consultation and quote

Based on information you provide before and during the consultation, you will receive a detailed written report outlining your visa options and advice on how to proceed.  You will also receive a detailed quote for the recommended visa option.

Step 2: Written agreement

If you would like to proceed with the full service, I will provide you with a detailed written agreement which covers the terms and conditions of engagement with NZL Immigration.  The payment terms will be clearly stated in the written agreement, and at this stage, you may need to make an advance payment.  This money is held in a client account and you will be invoiced only at the specified milestones.  When necessary, you will be requested to make further payments and/or disbursements when they occur, including Immigration New Zealand visa application fees and other third party costs. 

Step 3: Application submission

I will guide you through the application process, including the completion of any application forms and gathering of relevant supporting documentations and evidence that maximizes the chance of success for your visa application.  Once all the information is obtained and completed, I will lodge your application with Immigration New Zealand on your behalf.

Step 4: Visa processing

Depending on your visa type, Immigration New Zealand may take up to 24 months to process your application.  I will continue to monitor and liaise with Immigration New Zealand where necessary, and keep you informed on the progress of your application on a regular basis.

Step 5: Visa decision

Once Immigration New Zealand gives notice of the decision, I will notify you the results within 24 hours.  It also marks the completion of my service as per our written agreement.

Your Obligations

Whilst I will do my very best to maximize the chances of success for your application, I also need your full support so I am aware of your circumstances and if needed, we can tackle challenges together. 

Be truthful

You will tell me any relevant matters regarding your situation, immigration status and history, and regarding any person related to your application.
You will also inform me of any changes to your circumstances that could affect the outcome or delivery of the services you have engaged me with.

Respond promptly

You will promptly provide me with all the information and documents needed to complete my services to you, and that such information and documents will be accurate, complete, valid and genuine.
You will also respond to my request for instructions within specified timeframes.

Respect my intellectual property

You will only use the intellectual property that I share with you for its intended purposes and will not publicly share it without my permission.

Make payment on time

You will pay the agreed fees based on the payment terms on our written agreement without delay.  If you foresee any issues with payment, let me know in advance and we can discuss possible options.

Give me feedback

I welcome feedback not just at the end of my service but at anytime during our engagement if you think it can improve our relationship.  Of course, if you think I did a good job, I would love to hear about it and please tell your friends too!

New Zealand Visa Options

I can help you with the following immigration needs:

Let’s discuss your immigration needs and what service is right for you.